Well, I guess it is time for the Ole Geek to take the plunge into the world of blogging. My daughter has truly inspired me to take a stab at this. Hopefully this will last more than a passing fad.
This week was like one of those days when you really never get to repair the fence you set out to....
The Electrical Path of Least Resistance
I have been off all week and have not made much of any of the progress I had hoped for on the house remodel. My intent starting Saturday was to cut my losses for the year and at least try to get the electrical wiring done in the bathrooms I am remodeling. Well before I could get to wire the bathroom it required that I re-run some *temporary* electrical wires in the attic because I had to run new floor joists for the future Phase 3 expansion upstairs prior to being able to run the wires through the joists. I also need to split the circuits for the Living Room from the Front Bedroom because I want to added several *can* lights so the combined circuit would be undersized. BUT before I could re-run the circuits I needed to provide a new path though the new bathroom ceiling joist. BUT before I could do that I needed to build the last two steps that turn from the new stair landing over where the bathtub will be. Which also required me to relocate a junction box that was located where the floor for the new water heater would be located.... Long story short what I anticipated getting done on Saturday was not accomplished until late on Wednesday and still the new baths have not gotten wired because some of the boxes need to go on the center wall which can't happen until the new bathtubs are put in place so I can finish the middle wall studs...
Thanksgiving Break
Well Thanksgiving was a good day of rest and I slummed around the house on Friday because I was afraid if I started anything I would need to run to Home Depot and I was not about to subject myself to the chaos of Black Friday to get *parts*
So what did I need in the garage again?
So Today stared with the intent to put the finish on the spice shelf that Melinda asked me to build for her. Well where was that finishing oil that I needed. Oh it is in the little garage.. Where is the remote... Oh yes I found it.... It DOES NOT WORK!!!!... Light is not going on... Replace new battery still no worky worky..... Oh I remember I ran some cables to the little garage I bet I hooked up the garage door switch to a pair of those because I wanted to control it from the alarm system. I'll just look up the wiring diagrams that I made.... ..... ..... 1 hour later and looking the hundreds of potential files no luck on the wiring diagram... Well lets take the remote control apart... Well that is a pretty simple circuit board not much on it just one transistor and an integrated circuit. Press the push button.... again.....again.... again.. (what was the definition of insanity) again.. well that seems fruitless... Hum... I wonder if the switch could be bad.... find a wire jumper and bypass... Eureka... we have lift up.... Now what did I need in the garage again? Well this is a perfect opportunity to get the Alarm System to control the garage door.. Lets see .... there is the cable and I have a spare pair to the house... Bring out the old antique laptop because it is the only one with a RS232 port so I can program the Alarm System... 2 hours later and some fewer tresses of hair... I realize that the output from the Alarm System is not a dry set of contact but will only sink a max of 50 milliamps of current.... Over to trusty Radio Shack to find a relay.... Pull out the old soldering gun to hook up the terminals... Eureka!! we have lift up again the Alarm System is now controlling the garage door opener!!!
Now what was it again I was going into the little garage for... Oh yes finishing oil. But I have none there.. Off to Home Depot for finishing oil... Only got natural stain oil.. Well I finally got the Spice Shelf finished and lacquered. Only took all day..
Now that the day is shot what else can I do
I did manage to get some the wood and doors/frames moved from the front bedroom to the the bathrooms so they are out of the way for the Christmas Eve Party...
So there goes my week. I got about 2 days worth of work done in a week being off... Somehow this remodel will keep me busy into retirement...
Welcome to the bloggosphere. Sounds like a typical week in remodeling. One thing always leads to another. haha, but at least you did get some things done even if they weren't what you intended.